
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ease Up Ladies...

I do life with a journal in one hand and a black pen in the other.  My pen of choice right now is one my mother-in-law gave me for Christmas... the green uni JETSREAM 1.0.... doesn't it just sound amazing???

I love to write.

Most of what I write is for myself.  It's how I process through whatever my thoughts and my circumstances may be.  I have stacks of journals that I'm sure someday, after I'm long gone my children will have a desire to flip through... because of that, I find myself scribbling little notes to them along the way.  For instance, this past January I was having an "intense" season of parenting.  Those of you with children know what I'm talking about... I was journaling about it like crazy when I got to thinking that Sadie and Cole might someday read those words... so I quickly penned...
Sadie & Cole
Just in case you are reading this someday, these difficult days of training and raising you are worth it!  I love you both deeply and am so thankful that God has entrusted you to my care for these years.  I'm proud of you.  Love you forever -
Recently I journaled on a topic that I've been considering for several years (one I want Sadie to grasp long before she gets where I'm at today), but haven't managed to get from my head and my heart onto paper.  It's something I feel deeply about for women and something I didn't notice until I became a mother, but I know the issue was a reality even in my teen years, just on a different "level."  I'm just going to throw my journal entry on here... it's far from perfect or organized, but it's raw... and I think that's what God sometimes uses the most.
I started noticing something about women shortly after I began staying home with Sadie.  I'm not sure if I was too naive to notice it before or if the season of motherhood thrust me into this realization.  Women are hard on each other.  Really hard.  We should totally be in the same corner with each other, but all too often we are entertaining judgmental thoughts about each other.  It has to stem back to our own insecurities.  We all fight the urge to be better at something than someone else.  We can't stand the competition... and if we can't be better, we get bitter and bad mouth...

On ridiculous issues....
- how their children behave
- how their money is spent
- to cloth diaper or use Pampers
- what foods they feed their families
- how she treats her husband/how her husband treats her
- her appearance - Can you believe she is wearing that???
Etc. Etc. Etc... I could make other lists on women in the career world, for girls in middle school/high school.  It's a real issue for women/girls everywhere you turn.

We've gotta get over ourselves and our own insecurities and onto what Jesus has called us to!  It's high time we find ourselves in the same corner as one another genuinely encouraging, supporting and praying for each other.

It's time we dealt with our junk... lay it down in it's entirety at the feet of Jesus.
It's time we found contentment in who God made us to be... in our own uniqueness.
It's time for our measuring stick to only be measuring ourselves.

Galatians 5:26 says - We will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse.  We have far more interesting things to do with our lives.  Each of us is an original.

We are robbing ourselves of some of the deepest relationships that God wants to give us because of our rotten, judgmental attitudes toward one another.  It's time to let it go and really live.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I couldn't agree more, thanks for sharing this. I feel like women and especially those that are mother's are hard on other mothers and very judgemental instead of being open to what someone else is doing, or trying their best to understand different ways of parenting or doing things. Breastfeed or formula, dicipline or not, sleep in the same bed with parents, what age to take away the paci, the list goes on an on, and sometimes I just with there was more understanding and community.