Welcome to Daisies & Dump Trucks! My name is Kristen Franklin. I have been married to my husband, Eric, for nearly 8 years. He completely balances all my weird quirks and I… well… I do the same for him. A little over a year ago we felt the Lord calling us to drop everything familiar and move to a new city to plant the church, CrossPoint Salina. We are part of a multi-site church with the mission to Love God, Grow Up and Serve All.
We have two kids, Sadie (4) and Cole (2), who we doing our best to raise to love Jesus with all of their heart, soul and strength. Parenting is not for the weak, but it is proving to be one of my greatest joys.
God wired me a bit on the passionate side. I am one of those people that can become crazy excited about a can of green beans, if necessary. Some of my favorite things in life include…
organizing, decorating, rearranging, reading, writing, simplifying, bargains, saving money, cooking/baking and warm weather.
organizing, decorating, rearranging, reading, writing, simplifying, bargains, saving money, cooking/baking and warm weather.
I hope that you find Daisies & Dump Trucks to a blessing and encouragement to your life. Happy Reading!