Last week I mentioned that Sadie is struggling with separation anxiety. This is new territory for us. Neither one of our children did the "normal" separation anxiety around the age of 18 months. As long as they were with someone they loved and trusted, they were always happy to go wherever without Eric or me.
I did the separation anxiety bit at about the same time in my development. It lasted into the 9th week of Kindergarten. My teacher gave me an award for coming to school for the first time without crying and needing to be peeled off of whomever was delivering me for the day. I remember those days vividly. They may be some of my first memories, actually. Exhausting. For everyone.
This is probably one of the most difficult times I've had in my 4 years of parenting (I sound so seasoned, don't I??!!). I can't fix it. There seems to be nothing I can do to ease the pain... I've tried. It's one of those seasons, when you have to sit back, do the hard things and pray - pray - pray.
I'm learning that there are times in your children's lives when you will have no other choice but to pray them through. Yes... you can encourage them and support them... but you have to release them to let the ONE who is more capable handle them, love them and strengthen them. I know that God is going to use this in Sadie's life for His good. I think it may even be part of her journey that draws her to Himself. Praying for Sadie and sitting back to do the hard stuff - wait & trust.
7 years ago
love this post, you're such a good Momma! Praying for your sweet girl!
Saying a prayer for Miss Sadie and her mama as I read this...
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