
Wednesday, February 18, 2009


The last couple days, Sadie's been receiving a lot of disciple. As the mommy, disciplining is very exhausting. Sometimes I feel like consistency with her may be the death of me. :) You mommy types know what I'm talking about!

ANYWAY, today during one of our "disciplining sessions" God gave me a very clear picture of what forgiveness looks like... I'm not sure why He chose to point this out to me today... but He did. Here's how it went down...

Since Big Man Cole now sits up, he and Sadie really enjoy playing together on the floor (I am enjoying this, too... I can actually unload the dishwasher with out a critter on my hip or around my ankle!). While playing, Sadie likes to get right up next to him, wrap her arms around him for a "hug" and then tip them over onto the ground... as you can see, this isn't the safest form of affection for an infant. So, as this happened today, I explained to her why this wasn't a good idea and told her to not do this again. Well, not even two minutes later, I hear the kerplunk followed by an unhappy little boy... you guessed it... Sadie was just trying to give her "wittle bruder a hug."

Cole is comforted and sat back down, Sadie receives her disciple and then is required to go and tell her brother she's sorry and why. The second Sadie walks over to him to apologize, Cole bursts into uncontrollable laughter... which only caused her and I to begin laughing hysterically. Next thing I know they are back to playing together and enjoying one another again.

As I stood there laughing with my children, I couldn't help but think... this is how forgiveness is supposed to be... this is how it was intended... no grudge... no bitterness... no harsh words spoken. Only joy for the return and restoration to the relationship. Can't you just see the glimmer in His eyes and hear the laughter and delight of the Lord every time we return and are restored unto Him?!? I can, and I'm so thankful for this picture today.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I love this description. Thanks for sharing!