"Researchers found that grateful people report higher levels of positive emotions, more satisfaction with life, and more vitality and optimism. All good qualities I want more of in my life. They also found grateful people show lower levels of depression and stress - two things I’d like to experience less in my life.
What’s more, they found that people who keep journals about gratitude on a weekly basis are healthier. They exercise more regularly, report fewer physical symptoms, and feel better in general than people who journal about neutral or negative life events. That sounds great, and I’ll take all the help I can get in the exercise department.
Finally, the research showed that people who daily count their blessings report higher levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, and energy. Wow, the benefits of being grateful are remarkable and many! I guess that shouldn’t surprise me after considering today’s key verse. The Bible urges us to give thanks … all the time … in every situation … because this practice is the will of God."
Pretty cool huh??? Anyway, in Olsen's devo, she recommends starting a gratitude journal. Now, I must admit, I'm a journaler and list maker, so this was right up my alley! I had a blank journal down stairs on my craft table that I'd been waiting to decorate since the begining of September (a MOPS project that I had yet to find enough time to design) so I busted it out and fancied it up this afternoon... maybe I'll post a picture of it when I upload pics next time.
Here's my first entry in my gratitude journal:
- Sadie saying, "Guess what, mommy?"
" I yuh (love) you soooooo much!"
- Cole's little baby giggles when I tickle his neck.
- Possiblity of doing a Beth Moore study with one of my new neighbors.
- Clean kitchen and caught up laundry.
- My children are both sleeping at the same time today! :)
It's already 2:49 PM and I already have 5 things on my list (what the author of the devo recommends recording daily).... I must say I'm well on my way... maybe this positive attitude will help me shed those last few baby pounds, give me extra energy at that 3AM feeding, heal the joint in my big toe... but more importantly align my heart in obedience to God.
Would love to hear what you're grateful for today! Jesus bless you today!