
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cookbook Rack

My conversation in the car with Sadie:

S: Mommy, what do you want for Christmas?
Me: Hmmmm... well, I think I would like cookbook rack.
S: A cookbook rack? What's that?
Me: It's kind of like the stands we have to hold up our fancy plates, but it holds big books, instead.
S: Where might I get that?
Me: I've seen them at Barnes & Noble.
S: Barnes & Noble... like the Barnes in Noble In Wee-chi-tah???
Me: Yep...
S: I think I will go buy that for you like a big girl... with my own money.

So thankful that her little egocentric, 3 year old personality is beginning to notice the needs and wants of others. So honored to call her my own.


Christa said...

She is so sweet!! Miss you!!

erin said...

What a precious girl!

Jennifer said...

What a sweetie!!