For the past 3 weeks Cole has only been wearing his helmet at night (we wanted to get another 1/16 inch of growth out of the boy... making his head not perfectly round, but only 1/16 off... I mean, are any of your heads perfectly perfect???). Decreased helmet time was so nice with all these HOT summer days!!!
Cole went in for his last check up yesterday. They measured his head, and guess what... the little stinkers head grew 1/8 of an inch all in the right direction... making his head perfectly perfect... the kid's got a nice nugget now... watch out world... who knows what you can do with such a round little crown!!!
Here's a man that's enjoying his FREEDOM! Do little boys get any cuter than this???
*** Please, please, please... if you know anyone who has a child in need of a helmet, please have them contact me!!! This has not been nearly as big of a deal as we had imagined. We would love to support anyone walking through a similar situation or educate them on their options!***