I had talked with a mom a week or so ago who went through this same process... she explained the casting like a paper mache project... technology has progressed so much in the last two-three years that Cole's casting was all done electronically. It was amazing. Check out the process....
Here's the happy boy before we get started....
Since Cole has a lot of hair (he'll be getting his first hair cut soon), they had to put a sock type thing on his head to get a good picture of his little nugget. Amy is our tech... she will be getting to know us well as we'll get to visit her every 2 weeks from here on out. I told her today that she'll be getting to meet Miss Sadie soon, too... she ain't seen nothin' yet. :o)
There was a wire that went up the back of Cole's head that had a sensor velcroed to the top of the sock (the black piece on the top of the head). Amy is putting a band around Cole's neck to keep everything in place. As you can see, Cole's mommy is thinking this is a bigger deal than he is. Interesting.
Lastly, they put on a cape...
Apparently Cole thought this cape gave him super hero powers because from here on out he bounced up and down preparing for take off... making it difficult for Amy to get a good picture and this is why our photo session stops. Eric had to help Amy entertain Cole to get some good pics. Amy would take her picture "gun" (it looked like a cash register gun) and swipe from the sensor on top of his head downward. As she would swipe, it would create a picture on her computer. I wish we could have gotten a picture of the screen.... by the end, there was a perfect little picture of my baby boy.
For those who are wondering what our little helmet will look like, it will be a surprise to us all. You could pick different backgrounds... which we weren't too in to... or a solid colored helmet. We were really wanting a navy blue helmet (so we could put a Red Sox decal on it), but Amy was unsure if they could make it navy.... so if it's not navy, it will be red (Eric's banking on a good year for the Chiefs... maybe Coley will bring them some luck).